MY FIRST LIBRARY CARD GETS READERS STARTED EARLY Although adults may be drawn to the unique design and lack of any late fees for overdue materials, the My First Library Card is strictly for Marion’s youngest readers. The card, for library users age 5 and under, is a clear message from the Library that “you’re […]
Five Nights on Campus
FIVE NIGHTS HOSTS 22nd YEAR OF CULTURE ON CAMPUS Barefoot musicians, the daughter of a television icon, and a sultry singer are a sampling of what happens five evenings each academic year as The Ohio State University Marion (OSUM) sets aside the books, tests, and lectures to bring top-notch artists to its campus. Known quite […]
Free Produce Market
FEEDING THE HUNGRY IN MARION COUNTY Marion Christian Center (MCC) partners with Mid-Ohio Foodbank to provide a free produce market to Marion and surrounding counties. The partnership between Marion Christian Center and the Mid-Ohio Foodbank not only provides quality produce such as blueberries, citrus fruit, potatoes, squash, onions, eggs, bread, and more to the Marion […]
Random Acts of Kindness
RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS DAY Friday, February 17, is Random Acts of Kindness Day. In Marion, the Marion Police Department is all over it. They have partnered with students of the Multicultural Club of Marion Harding High School to get out and spread kindness today. The officers and students are visiting residents in Marion area […]
ReadLocal Author Fair
INAUGURAL READLOCAL AUTHOR FAIR WILL FEATURE LOCAL AND OHIO AUTHORS There are always new and exciting events coming to Marion! One of these events, to be hosted by the Marion Public Library, will be a chance for the community to connect with several authors. The inaugural ReadLocal Author Fair, scheduled for March 25th from 1- […]
Love INC
GROWING CHURCH NETWORK IS HERE TO SERVE THOSE IN NEED Did you know there is an organization called Love INC – Love In the Name of Christ — that works in the Marion area with local churches, agencies, and other organizations to help neighbors in need? Entering its 26th year of service in our community, […]