The Marion Cultural Corridor project is a collaboration between the Marion Area Convention & Visitors Bureau (CVB) and Downtown Marion Inc. The project envisions the central corridor of Marion as the cultural hub of the community where residents and visitors gather to experience a truly local environment of shops, restaurants, and entertainment venues, while creating a sense of place that the community uses as a foundation for feelings of pride and self-worth.
The term ‘cultural corridor’ describes an area bounded on the east by the Harding Home and Public Library and the west by Union Station. The complete report is available at http://www.visitmarionohio.com/wp-conten/uploads/2016/12/Cultural-Corridor-Final-Report.pdf or http://www.downtownmarion.com/cultural-corridor/.
A working group was convened in November 2016, consisting of Mark Holbrook, Marion Area Convention & Visitors Bureau; Beth Meadows and Clarissa Myers, Downtown Marion Inc.; Pam Hall, Marion Area Chamber of Commerce; Sherry Hall, Harding Home & Memorial; Mayor Scott Schertzer, City of Marion; Andrew Carter, Marion Star; Lisa Mendoza, Marion CanDo!; Bev Ford, Marion Palace Theatre; and BJ Gruber, Marion Police Department.
The group focused on the eight elements to a successful city core: Streetscape, Commerce, Office Space, Housing, Historic Preservation, Government Center, Culture and Entertainment, and Open Space. A summary of the findings is included on the link above.
A thriving, engaging cultural corridor facilitates entrepreneurial endeavors, is attractive to large businesses coming to Marion, keeps more dollars local, attracts more visitors, and helps to create a positive image for Marion. Beyond that, there is a more important reason to see the center of our city filled with locally-owned or managed restaurants, shops, attractions, and entertainment venues. That is, to regain a proper balance in our community. In the absence of a healthy city core, a community loses its sense of self–it forgets how to spend time together strolling down its streets, becoming friends with business owners, and feeling like you belong.
While we, as a community, will strive to plan well, make wise decisions about our community’s future, and employ best practice for revitalization, none of this will succeed without fostering and supporting the dreamers in our community. Entrepreneurs are people who cannot not do what their passion leads them to. Small business owners are the future of, not only our downtown, but
our entire community. We should pledge together to support those with dreams, ideas, and passion.
#MarionMade #WeAreTheCulturalCorridor